viernes, 6 de febrero de 2009

Did I say too much?

You have no idea how i want to hear you sing and hear you laugh and laugh again and laugh at your jokes and laugh at the way you sleep almost everywhere and how you have no idea what big words mean and how i want to be in bonfires by the beach with you and on snowy afternoons and watch you drink hot cocoa and watch you drink coffee and ask you what kind of coffee you like and if you like coffee at all and what movies make you scream and what movies make you cry and who makes you cry and who makes you laugh and who was your first kiss and if you want me to be your last kiss and who you kissed in between and if you like to sing in the shower and if you like orange juice or if you like apple juice or if you like apple pie or cherry pie or pecan pie or if you like pie at all and I wanna spend time with your family and meet your friends and kiss you you have no idea how badly i want to kiss you.

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