domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2008

In how our paths differ.

I seem to be closing in to a crossroads in my life. It terrifies me to know that whatever decision I make is going to affect the outcome of my life. No do overs. I'm scared. On top of that, even though I don't have to I constantly keep trying to choose the type of person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I keep putting her in a box, trying to decide who she is, what she looks like, what she would do. I can't help it. It is bizarre how badly you can miss someone you've never met. She might be in front of you and you don't realize or she might be thousands of miles away from you and you feel her right next to you. Who ever that person is, think I'm ready to meet her. Hope she feels the same way.

You keep slipping away from my dreams, i keep trying to catch you, unsuccessfully. I'm so scared I might miss you, scared i might walk the other sidewalk and never meet you. Scared I might board the wrong train, dine at the wrong place, sing the wrong song, scared i might never meet you. If our paths are parallel roads how will we? It can't be. I feel you pulling me to you, feel you drawing closer, feel you near. Wait for my at your crossroads, I won't delay. I swear.

The New Amsterdams-Turn out the light.

3 comentarios:

Joy* dijo...

woow! q buena canción, asi me siento a veces... como q no se si algun decisión tonta me va a llevar a no conocer a quien debo conocer, no se es complicado porque por un lado si, Dios tiene a la persona ideal para nosotros, peeero por no tomar las decisiones correctas entonces se va aplazando el conocerla o "reconocerla" no?

q complicado :/

Atomsam dijo...

Si de hecho el problema es que igual y esta en frente de ti pero tu por tonto haces cosas q te evitan poder reconocerlo. Espero estar en el camino correcto :)

Cook dijo...

I keep telling you man, u've gotta stop listening to those whiney songs... donwload some happy music!!