miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2008


You forgot to breathe again didn't you?. It's so much fun to watch you stumble through words just to find you once again back at the same starting point. You ramble when you try to say something serious. I like that. It's as if your mouth is not big enough for your heart, not unlike others whose heart is not big enough for their mouths. I feel your heart pumping whenever I'm near, how do you hold it inside? We'll take it slow ok? Just remember to breath ok? Breathe.

She fixes her lipsstick,
They always look perfect.
Never a smudge line,
never too much.

I try on my blue shirt,
she told me she liked it...once.
She wonders what I'll wear.
She knows just what she'll wear.
She always wears blue.

So sneakers or flip-flops?
I'm starting to panic, wait wait
Remember she asked you,
remember to breathe.
And everything will be okay.

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